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  • The time has come for me to announce the winners of The Essence - drawing contest!
    Obviously, all the participants are winners since there were exactly three of them so all of them win a price!
    I'm contacting all the participants about the delivery of their price. ❤️

    A good friend of mine (and a fellow sasnar fan) acted as the head judge of this contest. The reason I shamelessly threw this responsibility at her was that I was unable to decide the winner and even now, after receiving her decision, it pains me to put these artworks in a particular order.

    Without further rambling, here are the results:

    (Judge's comments:) I absolutely love all the artworks! But since I have to decide the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, my order is:

    1. Starchild
    - I really like this one because it speaks with symbolism. First the color scheme and then the big sun "invading" the moon, the way Naruto also decided to stay in Sasuke's life. I also really like the color contrast, with Naruto so bright, while Sasuke is more dark, yet their hands touch and take over the color of the other one. I find this detail super nice and very fitting for them!

    2. Suffica
    - I love the meaning behind this picture and how Naruto's color goes over into Sasuke's, who's crying. It reminds me of that one ending song of Shippuuden (By My Side) that had the more artistic style with Naruto chasing after him. With this picture, it's like after a long run, he finally caught up to him and gave him what he needed the most - a home.

    3. DemonicTenshi84
    - I really like the color palette used (I'm such a sucker for pink) and the way their hands are glowing, showing their connection. I also like that their poses are like yin and yang there🥺

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